Which type of water should be used to reconstitute the human growth hormone?
Plain sterile water for injection is the best diluent for somatropin. If at all possible you should use it. Alternatively HGH can be mixed with bacteriostatic water (0.9% sodium chloride), normal saline (0.9% NaCl) or water containing 0.9% (9 mg/mL) of benzyl alcohol.
Plain sterile water for injection should be readily available over the counter at any local pharmacy. If you cannot find it, see if you know any doctor or nurse - they have plenty of it. Also check for products like saline eye wash or nasal wash - it's usually sodium chloride 0.9% (shouldn't have any other additives). If for whatever reason you cannot find plain sterile water, you can also make your own:
- get the cleanest possible drinkable bottled water (preferably in glass bottle if you can find it)
- get a small glass bottle with reusable plastic cap
- put the small bottle and the plastic cap into a pot of water and boil it for a few minutes (to kill all the bacteria)
- at the same time boil your drinkable bottled water in another pot
- When both pots are boiling, take the glass bottle out, pour out all the water from it, put it upright and pour in the boiling water from your drinkable water pot. Seal the bottle with the plastic cap and let it cool down to the room temperature
- You now have sterile water which can be use to reconstitute HGH with. Only use it once to reconstitute a vial of HGH. As soon as you open the bottle, it will no longer be sterile, so the next time you try to use it, it can contain bacteria. Create a fresh one each time.
Generally each 10IU or 12IU somatropin vial is reconstituted with 1ml of sterile water. Using an insulin type syringe you first pull 1 ml of sterile water into the syringe and inject it into the growth hormone powder vial. Do not inject directly into the powder with force but rather let the water gently slide down the inside wall of the vial. Do not shake the vial. Injecting with force into the powder or shaking will damage the HGH molecules. After the water is injected into the HGH vial, there will be a few small lumps of powder remaining for a few minutes. Just put the vial into the refrigerator and leave it there for a while. After about 30 minutes, all of the powder should be dissolved into clear liquid, ready for injection.